IBH (Innovation of Bicycles and Handbikes) is a company which is seeking to develop, within the scope of sustainable mobility, the ability to respond to the needs of society to travel freely without sacrificing environmental values as well as the manufacture of special projects related to the inclusive cycling, in order to reach people with special physical needs. This is a project that has several years of experience and was the idea of Celestino Pêgo.
IBH (Innovation of Bicycles and Handbikes) brings together a factory, warehouse, support and technical assistance, but also a showroom with a store selling electric mobility products and accessories to the public, as well as unique and innovative products in the field of inclusive cycling for people with disabilities or for businesses.
We design several types of equipment and accessories for adapted sports, namely handbikes and tricycles for people with disabilities. We also include in our portfolio products made according to the needs of each business, such as specialised service tricycles to collect rubbish, marketing, street sales, among others.
We also have a wide variety of products powered by electric energy, such as scooters, motorcycles, bikes, etc ...